All successful PR campaigns start with thorough planning and research to inform and develop the strategy.
We’re only as good as our network. Our founder has over 20 years’ experience working in journalism and PR, and the PR team is in daily contact with journalists.
Having worked in and with the media, we understand how journalism works, what reporters are looking for, and the deadlines they are working to.
Generating media coverage week in, week out, requires specialist knowledge of the industry and the forces which drive it.
We’ve won more awards for our PR work over the past decade – 20 in total – than all other Cornish agencies combined.
We love working on campaigns which span multiple channels, spreading the reach of PR through a cohesive programme of social media, engaging content, and online media.
Raising awareness and influencing perceptions.
Planning and preparation for when things go wrong.
News-led media opportunities.
Combining the benefits of traditional PR and SEO.
Inspiring ideas, stand-alone projects.
Interview techniques, scenario-based training, and video workshops.
Media coverage which generates awareness, engagement and database growth.
Press cuttings, reporting.
Familiarisation visits for hospitality and tourism clients.
Research opportunities and prepare entries.
CIPR Pride Awards judges